04 November 2006

War Prayers

Just a note on reading: The refrain in the following piece is based on the hymnal version of 'The Lord's Prayer'. If you know the tune, then that is how I recommend you read the refrains.

'War Prayers'

Our Father...

Dust choked, mud soaked roads
We march to our end.
Sounds of thunder loom in the distance,
We know what fire awaits.
Up the rise, toward the lines
We form to make our stand.

Who art in Heaven

Grape shot, musket, cannonade
We hold fast in the terrible storm.
Screams of agony all around,
We will remember victory's price.
Drawing swords, fixing bayonets
We are ready for our end.

Hallowed be thy name.

Raging, charging, ever closer
We await the great melee
Dying in droves yet no one runs,
We fire into the unyielding host.
Reloading through the chaotic din,
We see them strike into our hearts.

Thy kingdom come...

Slashing, tearing maddening horror
We crumble beneath their fury.
Comrades fall as a driving rain,
We give them a ferocious riposte.
Overwhelming numbers, within the lines
We fight until the end.

Thy will be done...

Dust choked, blood soaked roads
We march to our end.
Sounds of thunder fade...
We hear the prayers for the dead.



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