30 January 2007


This post should be a bit more casual than others, and frankly, I need a little break from my own formality, though fear not gentle readers, I will still try and throw something philosophical your way... besides, y'all likely won't be hearing much from me this weekend, since I will be in Austin attending IkkiCon, as the anime convention season is starting back up, and hopefully it will be a good one.

In any event, last night, amid my nominal ramblings across the 'Net, I got to thinking about the odd meaning or two of certain words. Then I started thinking about the homonym, 'overture'. In music, or in theatre, I know this word well, as do many. It is effectively a musical prologue, to get the audience warmed up for what is to come (or in the case of some bad musicals, to give the audience reason to fear :) Of course, overture has another meaning as well, a more social meaning, usually reserved for the diplomatic types, but not always out of the realm of politics. I was amused, I suppose at how, at their core, the meanings of the words were truly fairly similar. The musicians reach out to the audience, just as a person might use their words to reach out to others... in both cases, it seems that the intent is to get a favorable response from those that would otherwise be, at best, indifferent.

I guess the same can go for writing... well, no guesses about it. Nominally, I write because it is what I need to do, and if someone feels like commenting then ok by me. On the other hand, I am perhaps extending an overture to others to listen, hoping for a favorable response as all artists and diplomats do.

Sorry, nothing really tangible I suppose, just a little writing and musing for the sake of it.



Janet said...

In teaching 3rd graders reading and writing on a daily basis we make connections all the time. I try to make the point that NO connection is wrong as long as you can explain how you made it. I think that makes the subjects of reading and writing at all ages, far less daunting of a task.

Lyndon said...

Everybody needs a little break from writing. If anyone deserves a little rest it's you. Seriously, how do you write so much? I wish I wrote as consistently as you do!

jedimerc said...

janet: I would agree with you on this, though sometimes when I make such connections, I look back and go, well, wasn't that obvious? :)

lyndon: Nice hearing from you again, and funny, I chastise myself because I am writing so little. And some of what I am doing is archiving and editing some older works, but truly I need to be busier :)

jedimerc said...

Though the past week or so has mostly been new stuff (except for the poem 'No Return').

Rain said...

Relax, talk to a pretty girl or two and have a great time in Austin!

Anonymous said...

An social overture... yeah you're right.

That's another post I'd like to read of yours. Compare and contrast orchestrel movements to relationships. There you go, some weekend homework for Austin!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I think we all write because we want to be heard and we need to know we're heard. Hence the reason so many people thirst for comments.

jedimerc said...

rain: I intend to :)

phil: I have plenty to do this weekend, mostly business related, but I should be able to observe some of those orchestrations in action, heheh.

mistress: I can see that... I prefer having comments, and artists crave recognition, that much is certain :)

Anonymous said...

"I am perhaps extending an overture to others to listen, hoping for a favorable response as all artists and diplomats do."

I guess thats kind of the point of most blogs. Even people who aren't "comment whores" tend to appreciate getting comments. Otherwise why blog? Just keep a personal diary. Counciously or subconciously, all of us bloggers are reaching out to some extent and hoping for responses

jedimerc said...

There is something to wanting the comments, of course, but I think we want the favorable response as well, unless we are just trying to start something :)

I've kept a personal journal, but I do find this medium more liberating. I treat it as if I were workshopping ideas... the idea is the thing I guess :)

ChickyBabe said...

So it's a little tease, to entice people for more. Is that how you perceive it?

jedimerc said...

darn it, ate my comment again... bleh...

I agree with you in a sense, I always want people to come back for more, but that is the nature of being a writer I think... these are just some of the weird things I think about throughout the day and wonder :)