22 January 2007


An aside: If I sound a little incoherent, it is because I am doped up on pain meds and antibiotics for a rather painful staph infection. Thankfully, it was caught early, and I just need to rest for a couple of days.

I know that many people have used this feature before, and I did not realise how useful it was until I tried it out. I started with a few posts, then in my drug-induced state, I decided to label all my posts, hence the new sidebar, the HoloIndex. I noticed a not too surprising trend on what items have the most labels as well. Still, it might make it easier if someone (or me) is looking for something in particular.



ChickyBabe said...

Hope you feel better soon.

I like this feature of Blogger, once it lets me upgrade!

M said...

eek, I hope you feel better soon :)

jedimerc said...

chickybabe: thanks, I am a little better now, but it will be a little rough thanks to the fact I haven't been on meds this heavy in a while, plus I found out how strong vicodin was... woo..

You categorise your blog well, though. I saw yours and others like it, and thought I would get organised :)

m: Thanks so much... as I said above, feeling a little better but I gotta let these antibiotics work their way through the system.