25 December 2006

A Future Promise

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Now moving on to what I normally do :)

Oddly, it was place and not a person (or a specific person at least) that inspired the following poem. I find that the serenity of a place can do as much as any other form of inspiration, sometimes more so. And I have found, as I have gotten older, that my romanticism is just as bound to place as it is the idea of romantic/courtly love. Perhaps it is my view on the universe itself that has changed this. Anyway, what follows is the result of such a view, emotion of hope and future mixed with the ideal of place.

'A Future Promise'

The beauty of dawn long ago
would not...
compare to what I have seen.
An instant, all it took;
a connection joined between the seconds
reaching into the depths of this soul.

A world born in a universe past
could not...
bespeak the enfolding joy,
a word or two remembered
through the memory of tomorrow
waiting beyond a veil of stars.

This simple emotion meant for other days
should not...
drive into the core of my being.
A wonder beyond hope,
a saddening, frightful reminder
of this life I so long for,
resting upon that distant shore.



MadameBoffin said...

I am intrigued by a poem entitled "Future Promise" but which has "would not", "could not" and "should not" so prominently placed.

End subspace transmission (with encryption of course)

jedimerc said...

I would like to say it was intentional, but it wasn't :)

That is the problem with hope and false hope it seems... and empty promises even of the future.

MadameBoffin said...

Even if it's uintentionally it still makes for an intriguing poem - I think it's your subconscious talking there (or maybe it's my subconscious reading something into it - I know my s/c is highly suspicious of promise)

Angela/SciFiChick said...

Hope you had a great holiday as well!

jedimerc said...

madameboffin: I am sure my subconscious was victimising me in this... it always does :)

angela: I did... looking forward to new years too :)