29 March 2007

Matters Of Time

Again, sometimes you just have to write and let it all out... a little stream of consciousness, not quite a departure, but just a little something I was thinking about in relation to time and other things that seem to step outside of time every now and then.

'Memory... Moment...'

Fades with the instant
lost between seconds uncounted
Heralding calm that endures
yet drifts listless restless
So wondrous
This gift a spark never
yielding but fluid
elusive and constant...

Memory and moment brush
glance caress
yearn seek need...

delicate movement inured
beyond simple passion
though waits in words
brilliant enfolding
tenuous though tender
lost between seconds...

Future and moment collide
bespeak embrace
In memory of ecstasy...
Memory moment future
glance caress
yearn seek need.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

I wish I could start writing again, but somewhere in the last 12 months my creativity dried up.


jedimerc said...

I've been there... I had more or less a gap of 3 years or so in which my writing really suffered (actually more like 2 gaps of 2 years and some change). Blogging and journaling have helped, but even still I write far less than I would like.

ChickyBabe said...

I like the "memory and moment brush"... it took me to a place in time..

jedimerc said...

I hope it was a good place, or a welcome one at least :)