19 October 2006

False Gods

This is a direct result of the previous post, so do have a look if you would like, or not too, whatever makes you comfortable. I have always had an interest in religious/spiritual history, but organized religion and the zealotry that has resulted because of it has always hurt me. It is a terrible thing to see what has been perpetrated, rightly or wrongly, in the name of a god. The tragedy is that we can make our own decisions instead of being blinded by submitting to the will of black-hearted gods and men... but many of us do not. Many still submit to what is clearly a primitive and outmoded way of thinking, or lack of thinking as it has turned out. To that end, I reject such gods. For gods that allow what has been allowed in their name are not deserving of being called 'God'.

'False Gods'

Their love was not enough
Their deaths a rationale.
You were blinded by adulation,
Buoyed from their deeds in your name.
Their joy had to be tempered
With your zeal for fire and sword.
Their love could never be enough,
Unless they all loved you.

Their deaths were your price,
For their idea of your love.
They were deceived by false hope,
Fueling their desire for deeds in your name.
Your anger was made manifest
In the fire within their eyes.
Their deaths would be enough,
Since they would not love you.

How many dead?
Shall I count the graves?
How many lives is their love worth?

Their hopes you have borne,
To make real horrific ideals.
You craved their adoration,
Praising deeds conducted in your name.
This madness you have created
With their zeal for fire and sword,
You believed would be enough
To make them all love you.

My love was not enough
To embrace the idea of your love.
I am hardened by cold facts
Of the deeds allowed in your name.
My joy comes in the rejection,
Of your zeal for fire and sword.
Perhaps you will take my life,
But you will never have my love.

How many dead?
Shall we count the graves?
How many lives is your love worth?



ombren said...

i do find it interesting to see where belief leads people--and how even though beliefs can have different names, people only can see the differences, and not the things that line up and point to them being the same.

jedimerc said...

A lot of times, it boils down to fear... fear of what is different, fear of the wrath of *insert deity here* or simply fear of reprisals for being different. That fear, of course, masks the common ground and has created and still creates terrible strife.

Becky said...

It never ceases to amaze me how people will use anything to justify their actions.

jedimerc said...

It used to amaze me, but then I have read so many books about the subject and written far too many poems about the same thing that not much surprises me anymore. The big surprise would be if they all decided one day to call each other up and declare peace... now that would be amazing :)